It is incredibly frustrating watching Santorum compete in the Republican Primary. On the one hand, I'm really happy to see that Mitt "Buy Me The Presidency Or Bust" Romney is unable to simply overwhelm the opposition with sheer cash - it gives hope that legitimate candidates could some day compete with established cash-rich opponents in our horribly dysfunctional election process. (I'll save that rant for another time.)
On the other hand, the person representing the Anti-Romney vote? Santorum. I mean, c'mon, really?? Santorum??
There should really be an option for "Vote of No Confidence" in our political system. If there are more votes for "Vote of No Confidence" than any legitimate candidate, then the bums and yokels that currently run and occupy the bowels of our political system simply can't take office. I bet THAT would give voter turnout the bump that it so desperately needs.
I don't know much about politics, but I do love the picture of the cat on the toilet, especially the look on its face. rofl.