Friday, May 11, 2012

Serious Case Of The Fridays

I love my job.  I'm incredibly blessed to be doing something that is interesting, and working with people that I actually enjoy working with on a regular basis.  But some weeks, I really am just ready for Friday.

Today is one of those Fridays.

And to make it worse, it's one of THOSE Fridays where it perpetually feels like it SHOULD be X o'clock, but it actually is X-2 or X-3 o'clock.  Add in the perpetual slowness of the day despite the fact that generally, it's not been a "boring" day, and you have yourself a recipe for a severe, bloated, rash-ridden case of the Fridays.

But hey, it sure beats the heck out of having a case of the Mondays!


  1. "a severe, bloated, rash-ridden case of the Fridays."

    Yeah, that. Exactly that. But we're home now, and it's all peachy-keen. <3

  2. hahaha, so true! The Fridays are better than the Mondays. Hopefully this friday will be better.

